60 players have been signed up for this competition as of 10:13 AM Sunday 24th November
Barry Allen (Chiltern Forest Golf Club) |
Diane Aloia (Brampton Park Golf Club) |
Ian Bishop (Pavenham Park Golf Club) |
Suzie Bishop (Pavenham Park Golf Club) |
Peter Brooks (John O'Gaunt Golf Club) |
Graham Cardoe (Finchley) |
Ros Cardoe (South Herts) |
Dawn Clark (Rutland Water Golf Course) |
Roger Clark (Rutland Water Golf Course) |
Geoff Coley (Northwood Golf Club) |
Sally Coley (Northwood Golf Club) |
Anita CORDERY (Elton Furze Golf Club) |
Chris Cordery (Nene Park Golf Club) |
Mike Cowley (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club) |
Penny Cowley (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club) |
Shujuan Craven (John O'Gaunt Golf Club) |
Peter Dean (Royston Golf Club) |
Peter Dean (Royston Golf Club) |
Brian DRAPER (Stoke Rochford) |
Cath Emery (Brampton Park Golf Club) |
Graham Emery (Brampton Park Golf Club) |
Andrew Everett (Mowsbury Golf Club) |
Elizabeth Everett (Mount Pleasant) |
Janet Farrington (Burghley Park Golf Club) |
Malcolm George (March) |
Ken Griffin (Royston Golf Club) |
Sandra Griffin (Royston Golf Club) |
Jackie Hammer (Pavenham Park Golf Club) |
Karl Hammer (Pavenham Park Golf Club) |
Gavin Harper (iGolf Club) |
Mike Harrington (Badgemore Park) |
Fiona Hart (Cherwell Edge) |
Terry Hart (Cherwell Edge) |
Sarah Lemmon (March) |
Ross Macindoe (Daventry & District) |
Karen McDonald (Bedfordshire Golf Club) |
Roy A McDonald (Bedfordshire Golf Club) |
Peter Nelson (Brampton Park Golf Club) |
Alexandra O'Donohoe (Finchley) |
Gerry O'Donohoe (Finchley) |
Sara O'Kelly (Badgemore Park) |
Marketa Oherova (Chiltern Forest Golf Club) |
Alan Phillips (Brampton Park Golf Club) |
Mhairi Ramsay (Daventry & District) |
Caroline Richardson (Brampton Park Golf Club) |
Philip Richardson (Muswell Hill) |
Richard Rogers (Dunston Hall) |
Yvonne Rogers (Dunston Hall) |
Hildegunn Rosted (Chiltern Forest Golf Club) |
Leila Shafarenko (John O'Gaunt Golf Club) |
Mark Shepard (Chiltern Forest Golf Club) |
Adrian Simpkin (Bedford & County Golf Club) |
Debbie Simpkin (Brampton Park Golf Club) |
Michal Simpson (March) |
Julie Thorne (Mid Herts) |
Steve Thorne (Mid Herts) |
Kevin Tilleard (John O'Gaunt Golf Club) |
Heather Wildsmith (Pavenham Park Golf Club) |
Jim Wildsmith (Pavenham Park Golf Club) |
Heather Wood (Muswell Hill) |